A proposito del progetto

The Giustospirito group is a well-established reality in the catering sector throughout Emilia Romagna and beyond.

For almost ten years, this brand, which includes the Giusto Spirito and CRUDO restaurant chains, has chosen to rely on us at Vortex for the complete supply of suction systems, choosing our Hurricane High Effinciency inductive hoods as the best solution for air treatment inside the kitchens of their various premises.

It is our technological answer for maximum functional efficiency and, at the same time, maximum cost containment of the extraction system in the kitchen.

Panoramica del progetto

Our Vortex Hurricane High Efficiency hood is a high-efficiency dual inductive compensation hood because the principle of compensation with untreated air is implemented by means of two inlet blades, unlike a generic compensation hood with only one air blade in the hood.

Installed in these catering establishments, it becomes a real asset for smoke management in the kitchen environment.